FuNnY bUt TuRE
Funny but true
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How many letters are there in the English alphabet ?!
"There are 18 letters! 3 in "the", 7 in "English", and 8 in "alphabet
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If a man was born in Italy, went to America and died in San
Francisco , what would he be ?!
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What is the longest word in the English language ?!
Smiles. Because there is a mile between its first and last letters
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Why can't a man living in Paris be buried in the South of France ?!
Because he's still living
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If you took 3 apples from a basket that held 12 apples,
how many apples would you have ?!
Just 3
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Why is the letter "T" like an island ?!
Because it is in the middle of waTer
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I have 12 legs, 12 arms and 8 heads. What am I ?!
A lier
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What animal can jump higher than a house ?!
A house can't jump
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