Make People Wondering
Make People Wondering
"the Strategy of Malcolm X

"we will be never recognized as citizens there until we are first recognized as humans" Malcolm X said. Considering yourself as non-humans means that you've got a problem in your psychological structure. So, this makes people wondering what is this problem? And why could an academic-adult man like Malcolm X say that?. Malcolm was the man who used this strategy "make people wondering" to make people do wondering. In this context an intuitive question jump to our minds, how could Malcolm X earn this big infrastructure of fans and followers? Those upcoming paragraphs are going to answer this question and –by the will of Allah – will give you the full impact.
First of all, if you got an upright case this will put you in a good position to be strong to defend about your case. So, I think the strongest structure which Malcolm was depending upon it is the case itself. In another words his case itself was the main reason which is gather supporters and sympathetic to stand by. And Malcolm was built all his claims on it.
Second, the history has demonstrated that the whole leaders are sharing one adjective which is "bravery". One of the main adjective in successful leaders' character is "bravery". If you have listened to Malcolms' speeches you will recognized how Malcolms' bravery was !! Or just read this quotation from one of Malcolms' speeches " If you're not ready to die for it, put the word "freedom" out of your vocabulary". Therefore Malcolm was a brave leader people can truest him.
Third, Malcolm was one of a few American leaders who is speechify on a millionth crowd. Different people from different ethnics, nationalities and cultures were attend Malcolms' speeches. Malcolm was an eloquent speaker and a persuasive debater. One day, Malcolm was debating with a man in a live debating program. and the debating was watching by a lot of people on T.V at the middle of the debating the man who is debate against Malcolm was inability to continue debating with Malcolm. Malcolm was a super debater.
Finally, peoples' admiration in Malcolm x will never stopped. Generation after generation people will considered Malcolm X as a leader who has demonstrated his qualification for lead, as leader who has chosen by people, as a leader who is lived and died for his principles, beliefs and nation.
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